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  3. Getting Started With COBRA
  4. COBRA Customer Service

How Do I Contact COBRA Customer Service? 

COBRA is a federal law. Not an insurance company. 

As COBRA is the same work health insurance you had, the plan continues to be managed by the employer. If you have questions about continuing your workplace health insurance, reach out to your plan administrator.

Need Help With COBRA?

If you have specific questions about your plan, contact your COBRA administrator or the Human Resources department of the company the health insurance is through regarding:

COBRA Benefits Phone Consult


Contact our insurance consultants by phone for assistance selecting your health plan or you may elect to enroll into short-term alternative health insurance online to remain covered and avoid an insurance gap.

Hours Of Operation

Monday thru Thursday, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., EST
Fridays, 6 a.m. – 4 p.m., EST

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Manage Your Health Benefits

Employer Resources

Read the COBRAInsurance.com Employer’s Guide To COBRA to understand your company’s responsibilities. Get more information on outsourcing your health and COBRA insurance administration with Third-Party Administrator.

COBRA Eligibility

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Get Help From Your Plan Administrator

The customer service you receive for your COBRA plan is through your former employer’s plan administrator. This may be someone in the HR department or a third-party administrator.

Learn more about COBRA Administrators

You should receive your COBRA packet of information within 45 days of your health insurance ending. This paperwork will have your plan administrators contact information.

If you lose your COBRA packet, contact the Human Resources depart of the employer who you had your most recent health insurance through.

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But, Isn’t This COBRAinsurance.com?

COBRA is a federal law, not a company. COBRA plans are managed by employer human resource departments or appointed third-party administrators. You will work with them for enrollments and payments.

We are COBRAinsurance.com, a private health insurance company publishing COBRA law works. Additionally, we encourage our readers to learn more about alternative health coverage as an affordable option to COBRA continuation.

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Short-Term Medical Insurance is a popular, affordable solution to cover gaps in coverage before your next major medical plan starts.

*Eligibility for short term medical insurance is based on age and state availability.

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