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  4. Where Are My COBRA Insurance ID Cards?

Where Are My COBRA Insurance ID Cards?

I have signed up for COBRA and have made payments. Will I be receiving a new insurance card or do I still use my old one?

Since COBRA insurance is a continuation of your previous employer’s group health policy, you will be able to use the same ID cards. The old card will be re-activated once your employer has received your COBRA payment.

Your Health Insurance Card

Unless you’ve lost your insurance card, the same one you had should still work. A health insurance card is used to give your healthcare providers, like doctors and clinics, the details to bill your medical expenses to. The information on your Health Insurance ID Cards:

  • Your name and subscriber ID number.
  • Employer’s name and Group Number
  • Your plan type (HMO, PPO, POS, EPO and others)
  • Which benefits are covered and those costs.

Replacement Insurance Card

To replace a lost card, contact the insurance carrier who provides the health insurance. 

Did You Need Dental Or Vision Insurance?

Vision starts at $5 per month and Dental plans are around $1/day

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